Gouvernement Princier de Monaco

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Couverture Focus Commerce de détail 2015
10 May 2016 News flash

Focus : 2015 Retail trade

This Focus describes this major economic sector of the Monegasque economy following 3 lines: employment, GDP's weight and turnover.Retail trade represents5.6 % of the private sector employment, 6.7 % of the GDP and 11.1 % of th...

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Couverture Focus Industrie 2015
28 April 2016 News flash

Focus : Industry

This Focus describes this major economic sector of the Monegasque economy following 3 lines: employment, GDP's weight and turnover.Industry represents 5.7 % of the private sector employment, 4.8 % of the GDP and 7.5 % of the tu...

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Couverture Focus Salariés 2015
26 April 2016 News flash

Focus : Private sector employees 2015

This Focus is dedicated to employees registrated atMonaco Social Funds.In December 2015, there are47,504 employeesin the Principality's private sector, a decrease of399 employees (-0.8 %)compared to the previous year.For more i...

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Couverture Focus Emplois 2015
20 April 2016 News flash

Focus : 2015 Private sector Employment

This edition of Focus looks at jobs registered with the Monaco Social Security Funds.In December 2015, there are 50,533 jobs in the private sector in the Principality, which equals an decrease of 335 jobs (-0.7 %) compared to t...

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Couverture déclarez votre PIB 2014
15 April 2016 News flash

2016 GDP declaration

As is the case every year, the Principality of Monaco calculates its Gross Domestic Product (GDP), after a statistic survey conducted by Monaco Statistics.This statistical survey is alegal requirement, serves a national purpose...

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Barometer Retail trade
12 April 2016 News flash

Barometer – Retail trade : february 2016

The barometer on the business survey in February 2016 in the Retail Trade is online.According to the retailers surveyed, the business climate is once again favorable.For further information, you canaccess to the Retail Trade se...

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Logo Recensement actu
07 April 2016 News flash

Monaco Statistics is preparing for the next population census

The next census of Monaco’s population will take place from 7 June to 29 July 2016. It will involve everyone who lives in the Principality.The census of the population, carried out on average once every 10 years, allows the pop...

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Couverture Observatoire Commerce extérieur 2015
06 April 2016 News flash

2015 Foreign Trade Observatory

The Foreign Trade Observatory, for the 2014 period is available online.The numerical data of the Foreign Trade are transferred to IMSEE by the "Direction Générale des Douanes (françaises) et Droits Indirects. Statistics fo...

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Couverture Observatoire Démographie 2015
22 March 2016 News flash

2015 Demography Observatory

The 2015 Demography Observatory is online.This study is the result of a collaboration begun in 2012 between Monaco Statistics, the Registry Office (Nationality) andMonaco City Hall 's Informatics Department.The aim is to presen...

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Couverture BTE 4T 2015
16 March 2016 News flash

Bulletin of the Economy for the 4th quarter of 2015

The Bulletin of the Economy for the 4thquarter of 2015, on data collected since 1 January, is available online.For the first time in several years, the number of jobs fell slightly (-0.7%) in December 2015, while the cumulative...

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