Gouvernement Princier de Monaco

Population and employment

The population census allows the population to be counted and provides an understanding of the country’s population. Monaco’s first census was carried out in 1757. The 2023 Population Census is now based on a new "register-based" method of calculation.

The Demography of Monegasques Observatory aims to present the main demographic indicators for the population of Monegasque nationality.

The purpose of the Employment Observatory is to analyse the labour market in Monaco (employed and self-employed, public and private), and to draw up a 10-year review.

The Observatory of salaries in the private sector provides an analysis of salary distribution, as well as a comparison of salary scales between Major Activity Sectors (GSA), women and men, and by age group.

Monaco Statistics has conducted several studies on housing. The first one, published in July 2012, is a prospective study about the State-owned housing needs by 2022. The second one, of June 2013, is a descriptive study of the sector known as the “rent-controlled housing of private tenure”. The most recent, published in September 2023, concerns public housing and its future needs up to 2040.

The Education Focus presents the main characteristics of pupils attending school in the Principality.

The European School Survey Project on Alcohol and other Drugs (ESPAD) survey carried out every 4 years in many european countries, studies the health behaviors, lifestyle and alcohol, tobacco and other drug consumption of 16 year old school age adolescents.

Population census

13 February 2018 Thematic Content

The 2023 Census of Population will now be based on a new "register-based" method of calculation, which will make it possible to find out the number of inhabitants and dwellings, as well as their main characteristics, on an annual and permanent basis. This means that changes in each of these data items can...

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Demography of Monegasques

10 June 2020 Thematic Content

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14 April 2023 Thematic Content

Employment indicators 2023 58,326 private-sector employees...

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15 November 2023 Thematic Content


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07 June 2013 Thematic Content

Monaco Statistics has conducted several studies on housing. The first one, published in July 2012, is a prospective study about the State-owned housing needs by 2022. The second one, of June 2013, is a descriptive study of the sector known as the “rent-controlled housing of private tenure”.The most recent, published...

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22 December 2023 Thematic Content

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European School Survey Project on Alcohol and Other Drugs (ESPAD)

24 September 2020 Thematic Content

TheEuropean School Survey Project on Alcohol and other Drugs survey carried out every 4 years in many european countries, studies the health behaviors, lifestyle and alcohol, tobacco and other drug consumption of 16 year old school age adolescents.In Monaco theEuropean School Survey Project on Alcohol and other Drug...

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