Gouvernement Princier de Monaco


Employment indicators 2023
58,326 private-sector employees
Source: Caisses Sociales de Monaco
5,153 Civil servants
Source: Human Resources and Training Department
63,479 total private and public
Source: Human Resources and Training Department, Caisses Sociales de Monaco
5,948 independant workers
Source: Caisses Sociales de Monaco
6,357 employers
Source: Caisses Sociales de Monaco


At the end of 2023, the total number of employees in the public and private sectors is 63,479 or 2,960 more people than in 2022 (+4.9%).

Infographie : Effectif Fonction publique 2023 1/3
16 February 2024 Article

Public sector

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Infographics - The private-sector employees in 2023 1/3
20 March 2024 Article


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Infographie IMSEE : Intérim 2023 1/3
18 July 2024 Article

Temporary work

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