Gouvernement Princier de Monaco

10th Scientific Council for Statistics and Economic Studies

From left to right: Pierre-André Chiappori, President of the Scientific Council, and Lionel Galfré, Director of IMSEE

© Charly Gallo / Government Communication Department

During the session, IMSEE Director Lionel Galfré first reported on the Institute’s progress against the previous recommendations made by the Scientific Council (the SIREN/SIRET issue, consideration of the OECD’s Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA), etc.). He then described the features of GDP in 2016 and how it had changed, and discussed follow-up of the census in terms of publicising the results and the data, before concluding with a presentation of IMSEE’s work and publications since the last Scientific Council meeting in February 2017.

The members of the Council then shared their areas of interest and drew up new recommendations on the statistics to be developed and the actions to be implemented in order to build an effective statistical system.

At the end of the meeting, Serge Telle hosted a lunch for participants.

The Scientific Council for Statistics and Economic Studies has a consultative role. Established within the Ministry of State, it takes a view on the studies to be carried out, the state of the statistical system and the annual survey programme. The Council has 11 members drawn from civil society, assemblies and the Administration.

© Charly Gallo / Direction de la Communication

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