Gouvernement Princier de Monaco

2023 Population census

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Monaco Statistics publishes the first results of the 2023 Population Census: the resident population is 38,367 as at 31 December 2023. 

The 2023 Population Census is now based on a new "register-based" method of calculation, which will make it possible to find out the number of inhabitants and housing units, as well as their main characteristics, on an annual and permanent basis. Indeed, it makes it possible to calculate changes in each of these data items every year, without having to carry out an exhaustive survey, which until now has taken place every 8 years.

2023 Population
38,367 inhabitants
Source: Monaco Statistics
See source

Monaco Statistics will present more detailed statistics (gender, age pyramid, nationality) by the end of the first half of 2024.

To find out more, you can access the 2023 Population census page.

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