Gouvernement Princier de Monaco

4th Meeting of the Scientific Council for Statistics and Economic Studies

On Wednesday 3 April, the Monegasque Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies (IMSEE) held the 4th session of its Scientific Council, chaired by Professor Pierre-André Chiappori, in the presence of all of its members.

At this Council, Lionel Galfré, the Director of IMSEE, gave a presentation on work in progress and forthcoming projects.

He explained that IMSEE's work had been developed over recent months, focussing on four main areas:

1. Developing and strengthening the legal framework and methods used:

  • Publishing a Sovereign Ordinance relating to statistics
  • Publication of several forthcoming ministerial decrees
  • Structuring and developing data collection
  • Implementing common reference points
  • Notifying the processing of personal data to the Monaco Commission for Data Protection (C.C.I.N)

2. Producing and improving existing research and publications:

  •  Economic Bulletin
  • Observatories of the Economy (real estate, industry, foreign trade, retail trade)
  • Observatory of economic results
  • Gross Domestic Product
  • Monaco in Figures
  • Annual update of the population

3. Developing new studies:

  • A study of State housing
  • A study on housing in the protected sector
  • Demographic monitoring
  • Regular thematic publication of "Focus":  automotive sector, jobs, etc.
  • Creating a  Barometer survey of the retail trade
  • Analysis of Industrial and commercial premises

4. Ensuring future development:

  • Staff training
  • IT tools
  •  Liaison with other organisations

Each theme was the subject of a progress report or a presentation.

During this session, members of the Scientific Council had an opportunity to discuss these issues and made various recommendations with the aim of supporting and developing IMSEE's statistic work.  They focussed particularly on demographic studies and housing for Monegasque nationals and denizens.  This issue had already been addressed in a previous study by IMSEE on State housing needs for the coming 10 years.  They also recommended undertaking various statistical surveys.

Following the working session, the Members of the Scientific Council attended a lunch hosted by H.E. the Minister of State at Government House, where other members of Government were also present.

The Scientific Council for Statistics and Economic Studies is composed of:

  • The President, Professor Pierre-André Chiappori,  
  • The Vice-President, Jean Franck Bussotti, a Monegasque businessman:
  • Paul Champsaur, former Director-General of INSEE (French National Institute for Statistics and Economic Studies) and President of the Public Statistics Authority in France,
  • Henri Riey, a Monegasque businessman,
  • Two representatives from the Ministry of Finance and Economy:  Serge Pierryves, Director of the Business Development Agency and Pierre-Jean Medecin, Technical Advisor,
  • A representative from the National Council, Marc Burini,
  • A representative from the Municipal Council, Camille Svara,
  • The President of the Economic and Social Council, André Garino,
  • The President of the Economic Development Chamber, Michel Dotta,
  • The Inspector General of Administration, Corinne Laforest de Minotty.

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