Gouvernement Princier de Monaco

Focus : Employees

Couverture Focus Salariés 2012

This fourth Focus is dedicated to the employees in the Principality's private sector.

After the Focus : Employment, this new publication allows to differentiate the "job" and "employees" notions.

On December 31, 2012, there are 45.441 employees in the Principality's private sector, a progression of 897 employees (+2%) compared to the previous year.

The employees are in average 40 years and 8 months old, 59,2% are men, more than ¾ live in the Alpes-Maritimes and 85% work in the tertiary sector.

Download the Focus : Employees

Employment indicators at the end of 2021
53,079 employees in the private sector
Source: Monaco Social Funds
5,008 employees in the public sector
Source: Human Resources and Training Department
58,087 employees
Source: Monaco Statistics

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