Gouvernement Princier de Monaco

Quarterly economic bulletin: revised data

The employment section of the Quarterly Economic Bulletin of the second quarter of 2012 was revised by Monaco Statistics on 5th October 2012. The version published on 6th September showed an inaccurate breakdown of jobs by industry. The total number of jobs does not change. This error, due to changes caused by entry into force of the new French classification of economic activities concerned mainly retail trade, wholesale trade and transport.

The previous version of the bulletin showed a sharp increase in employment in the retail trade sector and a slight decrease in the other two sectors (wholesale trade and transport). The revised version shows that employment has actually increased in the three sectors: +7.3% for transport and warehousing, + 4.9% for wholesale trade, + 2.3% for retail trade.

It is worth noting that in the second quarter of 2012 there were 52 491 jobs in the Principality, i.e. an increase of +2.2% compared to the same period the previous year.


Click here to access the updated version of Bulletin 2Q 2012

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