Gouvernement Princier de Monaco

Trade and Industry Register

The Trade and Industry Register (RCI) references all natural or legal persons, deemed as trading by law, and carrying out their commercial activities on the Principality’s territory.

Number of active entities in the RCI as at 31/12/2023
7,175 entreprises
Source: Monaco Statistics
7,750 establishments
Source: Monaco Statistics

A entreprise is defined as an organisational unit, under private or public law, for the production of goods and services. This includes, but is not limited to :
companies (SAMs, SARLs, non-trading companies, etc.) ;
individual structures (sole traders, liberal professions, etc.);
associations (including federations and foundations).
Each company is given its own register number when it is set up, and may have several establishments.

An establishment is defined as a production unit affiliated to a company, characterised by a specific activity or location. Each establishment carrying out an economic activity is allocated its own Statistical Identification Number (NIS).

Evolution of the number of entreprises in activity in the Trade and Industry Directory according to the legal form :


Evolution of the number of establishments in activity in the Trade and Industry Directory according to the legal form :

You can search for businesses by consulting the Trade and Industry Register directly online: https://teleservice.gouv.mc/rci/?lang=en  

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