Gouvernement Princier de Monaco

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Barometer Retail trade
12 August 2021 News flash

Barometer - Retail trade: June 2021

The barometer relating to the economic survey of June 2021 in the Retail trade is online.According to the retailers surveyed, in June 2021,the business climate continues to decline but remains favorable in trade and repair of m...

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02 August 2021 News flash

Modification des procédures d'immatriculation

À compter du 1er août 2021, la procédure d'immatriculation est modifiée pour l’obtention du Numéro d'Identification Statistique (NIS), pour les activités suivantes:- Profession libérales;- Artiste Occasionnel, Artiste Professio...

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Couverture Focus Education 2020
27 July 2021 News flash

Focus : Education 2020

This Focus report describes the numbers and characteristics of students educated in Monaco (excluding higher education). There were 6,267 students within the Monegasque education system (excluding the Princess Grace Academy of...

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Rapports COVID-19
21 July 2021 News flash

Observatoire des Impacts de la crise sanitaire liée à la Covid-19 - Juillet 2021

L'Observatoire des impacts de la Covid-19 présente chaque mois les données sanitaires et démographiques de la Principauté.Vous pouveztélécharger la publication du mois de juillet 2021 et l'ensemble des autres rapportsen accédan...

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Barometer Retail trade
12 July 2021 News flash

Barometer - Retail trade: May 2021

The barometer relating to the economic survey of May 2021 in the Retail trade is online.According to the retailers surveyed, in May 2021,the business climate decelerates in trade and repair of motor vehicles.For further informa...

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Couverture Focus Finances publiques 2020
08 July 2021 News flash

Focus : Public Finances 2020

Public finances are managed through the State Budget and the Constitutional Reserve Fund (CRF). Due to the COVID-19 health crisis and despite an increase in revenue, the final 2020 budget included excess expenditure and showed...

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Monaco Statistics 10 years old
02 July 2021 News flash

10 ans de statistiques publiques en Principauté

L’IMSEE, poursuivant son objectif de rendre la statistique publique accessible à tous, a souhaité mettre en place une interface simple et ludique qui permet à tout un chacun d’avoir accès à 10 années de statistiques sur les pri...

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13e Conseil Scientifique Statistique et Etudes Economiques et 10e anniversaire IMSEE-©Direction de la Communication-Michael Alesi - ©Direction de la Communication / Michael Alesi
02 July 2021 Press release

Ten years of public statistics presented at 13th Scientific Council for Statistics and Economic Studies as Monaco Statistics marks tenth anniversary

Monaco Statistics met on Friday for the 13th Scientific Council for Statistics and Economic Studies.During the event, chaired by Mr Pierre-André Chiappori, Monaco Statistics Director Sophie Vincent presented the studies conduct...

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Couverture Focus Construction 2020
29 June 2021 News flash

Focus : Construction 2020

In 2020, the construction sector was the third largest major economic sector (MES) in the Principality in terms of revenue. It is one of the sectors which proved most resilient in the face of the health crisis, and saw the thir...

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Couverture Key figures 2020
25 June 2021 News flash

Key figures 2020

The Key Figures booklet presents the main statistics of the past year in the Principality. This publication is available in french and english.

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