Gouvernement Princier de Monaco

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Couverture BTE 4T 2021
17 March 2022 News flash

Quaterly Economic Report Q4 2021

The year 2021 is the one of economic recovery and follows a year largely impacted by the health crisis, in particular by the period of lockdown during a quarter of the first half of 2020, which led to a significant fall in most...

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Barometer Retail trade
14 March 2022 News flash

Barometer – Retail trade : January 2022

The barometer for the January 2022 retail trade survey is online.According to the retailers surveyed, in January 2022, the business climate has been favourable since February 2021 in the trade and repair of vehicles.For more in...

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Focus Governance
08 March 2022 News flash

Focus: Women and corporate governance 2021

Monaco Statistics joins Women's Rights Day by publishing a Focus on women and corporate governance in the Principality. At the end of the year 2021, there are almost 13,000 active people within boards and decision-making bodies...

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Etudes données vaccinales
04 March 2022 News flash

Vaccine data study - 4 March 2022

The Covid-19 Vaccine Data Study presents bi-monthly statistics on the evolution of vaccination and immunisation coverage.You can download the publication and all other reports by accessing the page dedicated to this topic.

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Focus Civil Service 2021
22 February 2022 News flash

Focus Civil Service 2021

Monaco's Civil Service workforce exceeds 5,000 people for the first time on 31 December 2021 (+2% compared to 2020). More than three quarters of these employees are in the Governmental AdministrationFor further information,Down...

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Etudes données vaccinales
18 February 2022 News flash

Étude sur les données vaccinales - 18 Février 2022

L’Étude sur les données vaccinales de la Covid-19 présente bimensuellement les statistiques sur l'évolution de la vaccination et de la couverture vaccinale.Vous pouveztélécharger la publication et l'ensemble des autres rapports...

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Rapports COVID-19
16 February 2022 News flash

Observatoire des Impacts de la crise sanitaire liée à la Covid-19 - Février 2022

L'Observatoire des impacts de la Covid-19 présente chaque mois les données sanitaires et démographiques de la Principauté. Il est enrichi pour cette édition des données relatives à l'économie et à l'emploi.Vous pouveztélécharge...

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Couverture Focus Météo 2021
15 February 2022 News flash

Focus : Weather 2021

In 2021, the trend of a rise in temperature is confirmed in the Principality. The annual rainfall report shows a particularly dry year with a deficit in the volume of precipitation recorded each month since May compared to norm...

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Barometer Retail trade
14 February 2022 News flash

Barometer - Retail trade: December 2021

The barometer relating to the economic survey of December 2021 in the Retail trade is online.According to the retailers surveyed, in December 2021,the business climate is weakening in retail trade and in trade and repair of mot...

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Découvrir le dashboard immobilier
11 February 2022 News flash

Real Estate Dashboard 2021

Last July, for its tenth anniversary,Monaco Statistics published adashboard, presenting its figures of the decade in different themes in a playful way.Also, as a continuation of the work on the Real Estate Observatory, a new da...

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