Gouvernement Princier de Monaco

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Observatoire Commerce extérieur 2022
20 April 2023 News flash

Foreign Trade Observatory 2022

The Foreign Trade Observatory, covering data for 2022, is online.The figures for foreign trade outside France are transmitted to IMSEE by the French Customs and Excise Department.For more information, you canaccess the page ded...

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Focus: Retail trade 2022
19 April 2023 News flash

Focus : Digital economy 2022

In 2022, 115 creations and 59 definitive strike-offs bring the total number of active establishments in the digital economy in the Principality to 984. Up 6.0% compared to 2021 (+56 entities), it is also higher than the pre-cri...

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Couverture Observatoire Emploi 2022
14 April 2023 News flash

Employment Observatory 2022

Monaco Statistics has published its first Employment Observatory, which presents a global view of employment in Monaco, analysing employees in the private sector, the Civil service and temporary work, activity indicators such a...

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Barometer Retail trade
12 April 2023 News flash

Barometer Retail trade : February 2023

The barometer for the February 2023 retail trade survey is onlineAccording to the retailers surveyed in February 2023, the business climate remains stable and favourable in the retail trade and in the motor vehicle retail trade...

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07 April 2023 News flash

The Principality has 9,686 Monegasques

IMSEE has published an infographic on the demography of Monegasques in 2022.Find below the main key figures.

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24 March 2023 News flash

55,472 active employees in the private sector in Monaco

For the first time, the private-sector employees is presented in the form of an infographic.Find below the main key figures on the private-sector employees in 2022.

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Couverture BTE 4T 2022
15 March 2023 News flash

Quaterly Economic Report Q4 2022

The data is cumulative from 1 January. This bulletin therefore reflects the economic results for the year 2022.After the recovery in 2021, the economy of the Principality of Monaco continues to grow strongly in 2022. Almost all...

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Barometer Retail trade
13 March 2023 News flash

Barometer Retail trade : January 2023

The barometer for the January 2023 retail trade survey is onlineAccording to the retailers surveyed in January 2023, ordering intentions reach their highest level since 2014 in the retail trade and in the motor vehicle retail t...

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08 March 2023 News flash

28 % of women among corporate governors

On the occasion of the International Women's Rights Day, IMSEE publishes an infographic on women and corporate governance in 2022.Find below the main key figures.

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Découvrir le dashboard immobilier
02 March 2023 News flash

Real Estate Dashboard 2022

As part of the ongoing work on the Real Estate Observatory , a new dashboard has been published in close collaboration with the Digital Services Directorate, following the one published in 2021.This interactive dashboard allow...

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