Gouvernement Princier de Monaco

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Couverture Observatoire Emploi 2023
24 April 2024 News flash

Employment Observatory 2023

At the end of 2023, the Principality has a total of 73,707 jobs. More than nine out of ten of these activities are salaried (91.4%, or 67,339). The vast majority of salaried jobs are in the private sector (84.4% or 62,186), wit...

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Découvrir le dashboard immobilier
22 April 2024 News flash

2023 Property dashboard

As part of the ongoing work on the Real Estate Observatory and its infographic , a new dashboard has been published in close collaboration with the Digital Services Department, following on from the one published in 2022.This...

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Focus industrie 2023
17 April 2024 News flash

Focus : Digital economy in Monaco 2023

In 2023, Monaco counts 1,031 establishments in the digital economy, compared with 988 in 2022 (+4.4%). In ten years, the number of digital businesses has risen significantly (+73.0%), increasing their share in the total number...

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vignette PIB
15 April 2024 News flash

GDP 2023 survey

The Principality is currently calculating its Gross Domestic Product (GDP) for 2023 through a survey conducted by the Monegasque Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies (IMSEE). GDP summarises economic activity and is an e...

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12 April 2024 News flash

ESPAD 2024 survey

For the fifth time running, Monaco took part in the European School Survey Project on Alcohol and other Drugs (ESPAD), conducted every four years in some 30 European countries to study the health decisions, lifestyles and alcoh...

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Couverture Baromètre Industrie Manufacturière
12 April 2024 News flash

Barometer – Manufacturing industry : February 2024

The barometer for the February 2024 manufacturing industry business survey is now online.According to the business leaders surveyed, the business climate in industry is improving, returning to its average in February.To find ou...

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Barometer Retail trade
12 April 2024 News flash

Barometer Retail trade : Fabruary 2024

The barometer for the February 2024 retail business survey is now online.According to the retailers surveyed, the business climate was fairly stable in February 2024 in the retail and motor vehicle trade and repair sectors.For...

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20 March 2024 News flash

58,326 active employees in the private sector in Monaco

Below are the key figures for private sector employees in 2023 in the form of an infographic.

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18 March 2024 News flash

The Principality has 9,790 Monegasques

IMSEE has published an infographic on the demography of Monegasques in 2023.Below are the key figures.

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Couverture BTE 4T 2023
15 March 2024 News flash

Quaterly Economic Report - Q4 2023

The economy of the Principality of Monaco continues to rise in 2023 after the growth seen in 2022. Almost all economic aggregates have increased compared to the previous year.In addition, and to make them easier to read, the ma...

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