Gouvernement Princier de Monaco

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Couverture info Covid-19
22 November 2022 News flash

Données vaccinales Covid-19

À compter du 22/11/2022, retrouvez sur le siteCovid19.mc l'ensemble des indicateurs de suivi de l'épidémie qui figuraient précédemment dans les Observatoires mensuels des impacts de la crise sanitaire liée à la Covid-19 de l'IM...

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Barometer Retail trade
14 November 2022 News flash

Barometer Retail trade : September 2022

The barometer for the Septmber 2022 retail trade survey is online.According to the retailers surveyed, the business climate has been favourable for a year, while prices are at their highest in September 2022 in the retail trade...

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Couverture PIB 2021
10 November 2022 News flash

Gross Domestic Product 2021

Monaco's GDP for the year 2021 amounts to 7.27 billion euros, compared with 5.90 billion in 2020 and 6.60 billion in 2019. It is up by 21.6% in volume compared to 2020, and by 5.8% compared to 2019.For further information, you...

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La mesure des écarts de salaire entre les femmes et les hommes
17 October 2022 News flash

Measuring the gender pay gap: 2012-2019 comparison in the private sector

As part of the in-depth analysis of wage inequalities between women and men, Monaco Statistics published a retrospective study on the gender gap observed for the year 2012 in the private sector. For this analysis, the institute...

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Rapports COVID-19
14 October 2022 News flash

Observatory of the impacts of the health crisis related to Covis-19 - October 2022

The Covid-19 Impact Observatory presents monthly health and demographic data for the Principality. For this edition, it is enriched with data relating to the economy and employment.You can download the October2022 publication a...

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Barometer Retail trade
12 October 2022 News flash

Barometer Retail trade : August 2022

The barometer for the August 2022 retail trade survey is online.According to the retailers surveyed, in August 2022, the business climateis deteriorating but remains above its long-term average in the retail trade and repair of...

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Couverture Focus Commerce de gros 2021
29 September 2022 News flash

Focus : Wholesale trade 2021

In 2021, the Wholesale trade represents 1,315 active establishments, i.e. 12.2% of the structures in the Principality. The number of entities in this major economic sector (MES) has reached its highest level ever.For further in...

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Rapports COVID-19
19 September 2022 News flash

Observatory of the impacts of the health crisis related to Covis-19 - September 2022

The Covid-19 Impact Observatory presents monthly health and demographic data for the Principality. For this edition, it is enriched with data relating to the economy and employment.You can download the September2022 publication...

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Couverture BTE 2T 2022
15 September 2022 News flash

Quaterly Economic Report Q2 2022

In the first half of 2022, the post-health crisis economic recovery initiated in 2021 tends to continue. Most of the main economic indicators are on the rise compared to the previous year, but not all have returned to their pre...

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Barometer Retail trade
12 September 2022 News flash

Barometer Retail trade : July 2022

The barometer for the July 2022 retail trade survey is online.According to the retailers surveyed, in July 2022,the general business outlook reaches its highest level since 2014in the retail trade and repair of vehicles.For mor...

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