Gouvernement Princier de Monaco

GDP 2023 survey

vignette PIB

The Principality is currently calculating its Gross Domestic Product (GDP) for 2023 through a survey conducted by the Monegasque Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies (IMSEE). GDP summarises economic activity and is an essential piece of information in today's economic debate. It is used to monitor and assess the effectiveness of economic policies and to make comparisons with other countries, particularly within the European Union.

You can take part in this survey, which is compulsory but has no tax implications, by going online and creating a "User" account for the Monaco Government's teleservices beforehand if you do not already have one.

Armed with your login and password, you can then connect to the GDP declaration teleservice with the following information at hand:

The Statistical Identification Number (NIS) and the activation code, which you will find on the questionnaire sent to you by IMSEE (below your address);
For accountancy firms, estate agents and property managers wishing to submit all their customers' returns in a single step: the files in .XLS or .XLSX format.
You must then :

The Statistical Identification Number (NIS) and the activation code, which can be found on the questionnaire sent to you by IMSEE (below your address);
For accountancy firms, estate agents and property managers wishing to submit all their clients' returns in a single step: the files in .XLS or .XLSX format.
You must then :

Choose the type of procedure you wish to carry out: by declaration or by filing a file (accountancy firms, estate agents and property managers);
Choose the type of declaration (to be entered or blank in the case of a grouped declaration) and the type of questionnaire (detailed or simplified);
Complete your declaration by directly filling in the fields proposed by the tool;
Validate your address and your declaration.
You will then receive an email confirming receipt of your declaration, with details of your declaration attached.

The advantages of this environmentally-friendly and completely secure online procedure:

It makes it easier to send your data, whatever the nature or volume of the declarations to be made;
It allows you to make all your declarations (or those of your customers) via a single account.
IMSEE can help you set up an automated export system or answer any questions you may have about the GDP declaration by calling 8000 2008 (from Monaco) or by e-mailing .

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