Gouvernement Princier de Monaco

Quaterly Economic Report - Q1 2024

Couverture BTE 1T 2024

The major indicators of the Monegasque economy all remain at high levels, despite varying trends.

In addition, and to make them easier to read, the main quarterly results are now presented in the form of an infographic.

To find out more, download the Economy Bulletin Q1 2024.

Focus : Focus Temporary employment 2023

18 July 2024

In 2023, turnover, as well as the number of employees and hours worked, are set to rise sharply in the temporary employment sector.To find out more... Read more[+]

Barometer – Manufacturing industry : May 2024

12 July 2024

The barometer for the May 2024 manufacturing industry business survey is now online.According to the business leaders surveyed, the business climat... Read more[+]
