Gouvernement Princier de Monaco

Visit by Grand Duchy of Luxembourg delegation on statistics, economy and sustainable development

In the foreground, from left to right: André Garino, Chairman of Monaco’s ESC; Francis Schartz, Chairman of the High Council for Sustainable Development of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg; Lionel Galfré, Director of IMSEE; Serge Allegrezza, Director of STATEC (the National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg) and Honorary Chairman of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg ESC; and Marianne Nati-Stoffel, Secretary-General of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg ESC. ©Government Media Bureau/Charly Gallo

Monaco, 4 February 2015 – On 3 and 4 February, the Chairman of Monaco’s Economic and Social Council (ESC), André Garino, and Lionel Galfré, Director of the Monegasque Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies (IMSEE), welcomed a delegation from Luxembourg comprising:

-          Serge Allegrezza, Director of STATEC (the National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg) and the Honorary Chairman of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg ESC

-          Marianne Nati-Stoffel, Secretary-General of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg ESC

-          Francis Schartz, Chairman of the High Council for Sustainable Development of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg

The meeting was the culmination of discussions led by the ESC and IMSEE on complementary indicators to GDP which would take into account the environmental aspect and the well-being of the population.

It was in this context that IMSEE organised a meeting to present the OECD’s Better life Index on 5 February 2014, in partnership with the Monaco Scientific Centre.

For its part, on 5 November 2013 the ESC adopted a statement on the implementation of a global indicator, which more closely reflects the concerns of citizens, and would return the individual to the heart of the economic and statistical agenda.

These working meetings were thus aimed at discussing the use of statistics designed to measure the quality of daily life and determining how to measure the well-being of the Principality’s residents.

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